Custom made product, processing time 5 calendar days arrival
- Featured Base Shoe color: AB Crystal Rhinestones
- Featured wording color: Jet Black crystals.
- Perfect shoes to display your Name, Title, Pageant, etc.
- Up to 4 short phrases per pair of shoes.
- Base shoes are using in house Sneakers
- Soft manmade leather base
- Lycra insole extra soft for comfort
- Custom handmade item, breathtaking workmanship.
- Over 2,500 Rhinestone on the shoes
- Run TRUE to size (Do not Jump sizes)
PEYTON LAWSON - Style Spokesperson
“As soon as I saw these shoes I knew they were the ones for me!! What more do you need than sparkles, cute sneakers, and your pageant title all on one pair of shoes!! These shoes are all about comfort, style, representing your pageant title, and sass! All pageant girls NEED a pair of these!!”
About Peyton:
Peyton is the current 2018 America’s Natural Supreme Beauties National 16 + Grand Supreme. She is also a pageant coach for her own pageant coaching business “Pey’s Princesses”. Peyton is a preliminary director for the Kentucky Festival Associaition and has FIVE prelims that qualify local girls to go to the state pageant. All of these prelims are partnered with the charity for Toys For Kids. Peyton is also the Taylor County Fair pageant director for the Kentucky State Fair Association. Peyton has been competing in pageants for 6 years and has a great deal of success as well as modeling experiences.